Chandigarh Industrial and Tourism Development Corporation Ltd:
Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility with Sound Business Sense
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Case Details:
Case Code : BECG075
Case Length : 11 Pages
Period : 2006-2007
Pub Date : 2007
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : Chandigarh Industrial and Tourism Development Corporation Ltd.
Industry : Public Sector, Tourism
Countries : India
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Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility with Sound Business Sense case study
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Raising the Bar in HIV/AIDS Awareness? Contd...
VK Malhotra, General Manager, CITCO, said, "Actually there is a taboo as regards
AIDS and HIV [...]. So we have joined hands with the AIDS Control Society of Chandigarh
and we thought through this medium we will try to promote and prevent this
dreaded disease."8 The bar seemed to have
received a good initial response as a large number of people thronged the bar.
This allayed initial fears that the target audience's inhibitions would prevent
them from visiting the bar. Jasbir Singh Bir (Bir), Managing Director, CITCO,
said, "We at CITCO thought that this was one social cause we could be attached
with. There were some apprehensions earlier but the whole concept has come out
Experts hailed CITCO's initiative as a brilliant branding idea and especially
appreciated the fact that this initiative was taken by a government
organization. They felt that the setting up of the Condom Bar was in keeping
with the spurt in theme restaurants in India. The target audience (young
people) was attracted to the bar because of its high curiosity value. The
bar received a lot of free publicity and also attracted international
It was
reported that an HIV/AIDS education expert had visited the bar to study
the concept so that this model could be replicated in other countries
plagued by HIV/AIDS. CITCO had raised the bar in HIV/AIDS awareness, the
experts felt. The company planned to increase the seating capacity of
the bar and to attract the target audience through special events, such
as a pageant for HIV/AIDS victims.
However, the bar also attracted the ire of the conservative sections of
Indian society. Critics argued that the bar would promote promiscuity
and that it was against Indian culture. CITCO countered these arguments
by pointing out that surveys had indicated that the younger generation
was already involved in unprotected, pre-marital sex. |
In such a scenario, CITCO felt that there was a need for such
bars. Experts felt that though the Condom Bar did not encounter any protests in
the initial months, significant challenges remained for CITCO or any other
organization trying to open a similar bar. HIV/AIDS awareness efforts as well as
the placement of condom vending machines in public places had raised the hackles
of the conservative sections of Indian society in the past. Even sex education
had been banned in a few states in India...
Excerpts >>